Rumor bahwa Apple akan merilis iPad generasi kedua ternyata benar adanya, lewat konfrensi pers yang digelar dini hari tadi (waktu indonesia) sekaligus dimanfaatkan sebagai acara peluncuran iPad 2.
Gadget yang dibandrol seharga $499 (US dollar) ini memiliki beberapa perubahan dari segi design dan performance.
Dari segi design terdapat penambahan jumlah kamera, yaitu kamera depan dan kamera belakang. Dalam website resminya mereka mengatakan "You’ll see two cameras on iPad — one on the front and one on the back. They may be tiny, but they’re a big deal."
Kamera bagian belakang berguna untuk memberitahukan keadaan yang kita lihat kepada teman pada saat video calling tanpa merubah posisi iPad sehingga kita tetap dapat melihat ekspresi wajah teman kita pada saat itu. Sedangkan kamera depan berguna ketika pengguna iPad melakukan face-to-face video calling.
Sangat tipis, itulah kesan pertama yang kita dapatkan saat pertama kali melihat iPad 2. Apple mengklaim bahwa iPad 2 33% lebih tipis dibandingkan dengan iPad generasi pertama.
Dari segi teknologi gadget terbaru besutan Apple ini dibekali dengan processor Dual-core A5 chip yang menggunakan teknologi dual core tentunya kecepatanya pun memuaskan. Tak ketinggalan graphic card iPad 2 ini diklaim 9 x lebih cepat karena itu cocok sekali untuk para gamer. Ditambah dengan segala kelebihan tersebut tidak mengurangi kekuatan batrai iPad 2 yaitu 10 Jam non-stop.
Sekarang mari kita amati Apple iPad 2 ini dari segi software, iOS 4.3! sistem operasi yang baru dirilis juga oleh Apple disispkan ke dalam iPad 2.
Bagi pengguna iPad lama jangan takut karena Apple menyediakan fasilitas untuk update iOS ke versi terbaru yaitu iOS 4.3
Bagaimana? semakin tertarik dengan gadget yang satu ini? Terdapat dua pilihan warna yaitu iPad Hitam dan iPad Putih.
Apple Ipad 2
SS501 - Member's Profile
Kim Hyun Joong was born on June 6, 1986. His the position in the group is the leader, rapper, and vocal. His past experience include MC Show Music Core, MC SBS Inki Gayo, MC Mnet Countdown. He can play the piano and the guitar.
Appeared in:
* Family Outing (Kim Hyun Joong eps 64-65)
* Boys Over Flowers - as Yoon Ji Hoo
* We Got Married
* Haptic Mission - Participants compete through the Anycall job process to become the Anycall spokesperson
* X-Man
* Mischievous/Playful Kiss - as Baek Seung Jo
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Heo Young Saeng was born on November 3, 1986. His position in the group is the main high vocal. His past experience include DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio (from June to August 2006), MC Mnet Countdown. He can play the piano.
Kim Kyu Jong was born on February 24, 1987. His position in the group is high low vocal. His past experience include Mnet "Drama - Break", DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio, MC Mnet Countdown. He can do magic tricks.
Appeared in:
* Manwon Happiness - A show where participants try to live only using a certain amount of money
* Shopping King - Two idols go head to head in online shopping, buying what they think the contestant wants
* Seti - An online drama
* God of Cookery Expedition - Kyu Jong served as an MC; the show designed to taste some of the best recommended food
* Happy Together - Along with Kim Hyun Joong, a talk show on a set somewhat like a sauna
Park Jung Min was born on April 3, 1987. His position in the group is low vocal. His past experience include MTV Fresh VJ (from March to November 2003), DJ for SBS's "Youngstreet" Radio, MC of a Korean TV Show (MBC): 74434, MC SBS Inki Gayo, and MC Mnet Countdown. He can tap dance.
Appeared in:
* SS501 Park Jung Min Onstyle Magazine What Women Want - Behind-the-scenes look at Park Jung Min's world of fashion
* Human Theater 2 - A show with Jung Min as the main male lead acting out two options in a situation and what the consequences would be if he chose one over the over and vice versa
On January 20, 2011, he released his mini album, "Not Alone" consisting of a single with the same name. The song features an orchestra and has a classical tone to it. The full music video to Jung Min’s title track, ‘Not Alone‘, was just released on major music websites. With the combination of his great vocals and his new image, the music video was a big hit.
Kim Hyung Jun was born on August 3, 1987. His position in the group is main vocal, rap, and maknae (the youngest). His past experience include Ock Joo Hyun's (Fin.K.L) Music Video - Catch, MC Mnet Hello Chat (2006), MC Mnet ALBRARY (2008), MC Mnet Countdown. He can swim and play the piano.
Appeared in:
* Kim Hyung Jun Becomes a Progamer (of Starcraft, produced by MBC Game) - Hyung Jun learning the secrets of gaming
* Ohbamah show - host
Terminology of Microtonal music
Microtonal music can refer to all music which contains intervals smaller than the conventional contemporary Western semitone. The term implies music containing very small intervals but can include any tuning that differs from the western 12-tone equal temperament. The following systems are considered to be microtonal: the traditional Carnatic system of 22 sruti; much Indonesian gamelan music; Thai, Burmese, and African music using seven tones in each (approximate) octave; and blues and/or rock music which makes extensive use of blues notes. Also, music using just intonation, meantone temperament, or other alternative tunings may be considered microtonal.
Other terminology has been used (and is still used today) by theorists and composers. Micro-intervals is commonly used to speak about intervals smaller than the semitone, and sometimes macro-intervals for non-multiples of the semitone greater than it. Ivan Wyschnegradsky used the term ultra-chromatic for micro-intervals and infra-chromatic for macro-intervals (Wyschnegradsky 1972, 84-87). Ivor Darreg proposed the term xenharmonic (from the Greek ξένος, foreign, and Greek ξενία, hospitable) for any scale other than the 12-tone equal-tempered scale.
And these are some of microtonal composers
"Music as Stroke Therapy and Epilepsy"
Music has been shown to affect portions of the brain. Part of this therapy is the ability of music to affect emotions and social interactions. Research by Nayak et al. showed that music therapy is associated with a decrease in depression, improved mood, and a reduction in state anxiety. Both descriptive and experimental studies have documented effects of music on quality of life, involvement with the environment, expression of feelings, awareness and responsiveness, positive associations, and socialization. Additionally, Nayak et al. found that music therapy had a positive effect on social and behavioral outcomes and showed some encouraging trends with respect to mood
More recent research suggests that music can increase patient's motivation and positive emotions. Current research also suggests that when music therapy is used in conjunction with traditional therapy it improves success rates significantly. Therefore, it is hypothesized that music therapy helps stroke victims recover faster and with more success by increasing the patient's positive emotions and motivation, allowing them to be more successful and driven to participate in traditional therapies.
Research has shown the ability of music therapy to increase positive social interactions, positive emotions, and motivation in stroke patients. Wheeler et al. found that group music therapy sessions increased the ease at which stroke patients responded to social interaction and increased positive attitude reports from patient families, while individual sessions helped to motivate patients for treatment. Another study examined the effect of music therapy on mood of stroke patients and found similar results that showed decreased anxiety, fatigue, and hostile mood states.Additionally, Nayak et al. found improved social interaction (more actively involved and cooperative) when music therapy was used in stroke recovery programs.
Recent studies have examined the effect of music therapy on stroke patients, when combined with traditional therapy. One study found the incorporation of music with therapeutic upper extremity exercises gave patients more positive emotional effects than exercise alone. In another study, Nayak et al. found that rehabilitation staff rated participants in the music therapy group were more actively involved and cooperative in therapy than those in the control group. Their findings gave preliminary support to the efficacy of music therapy as a complementary therapy for social functioning and participation in rehabilitation with a trend toward improvement in mood during acute rehabilitation.
Although positive changes have been associated with music therapy, some considerations must be taken into account. While scientists have determined that a variety of physiological and psychological changes occur when listening to music, broad conclusions cannot yet be made concerning the relationship and the direction of the relationship between music and emotion. Additionally, there may be mediating factors which affect the success of music therapy. For example, Nayak et al. found the more impaired an individual's social behavior was at the outset of treatment, the more likely he or she was to benefit from music therapy. Additionally, they noted the effectiveness of music therapy may be moderated by the time frame of the treatment. It is possible that music therapy has a more pronounced effect on mood the closer to injury it is applied.
Current research shows that when music therapy is used in conjunction with traditional therapy, it improves rates of recovery and emotional and social deficits resulting from stroke. A study by Jeong & Kim examined the impact of music therapy when combined with traditional stroke therapy in a community-based rehabilitation program.Thirty-three stroke survivors were randomized into one of two groups: the experimental group, which combined rhythmic music and specialized rehabilitation movement for eight weeks; and a control group that sought and received traditional therapy. The results of this study showed that participants in the experimental group gained not only more flexibility and wider range of motion, but an increased frequency and quality of social interactions and positive mood
Music has proven useful in the recovery of motor skills. Rhythmical auditory stimulation in a musical context in combination with traditional gait therapy improved the ability of stroke patients to walk. The study consisted of two treatment conditions, one which received traditional gait therapy and another which received the gait therapy in combination with the rhythmical auditory stimulation. During the rhythmical auditory stimulation, stimulation was played back measure by measure, and was initiated by the patient's heel-strikes. Each condition received fifteen sessions of therapy. The results revealed that the rhythmical auditory stimulation group showed more improvement in stride length, symmetry deviation, walking speed and rollover path length (all indicators for improved walking gait) than the group that received traditional therapy alone.
Schneider et al. also studied the effects of combining music therapy with standard motor rehabilitation methods. In this experiment, researchers recruited stroke patients without prior musical experience and trained half of them in an intensive step by step training program that occurred fifteen times over three weeks, in addition to traditional treatment. These participants were trained to use both fine and gross motor movements by learning how to use the piano and drums. The other half of the patients received only traditional treatment over the course of the three weeks. Three-dimensional movement analysis and clinical motor tests showed participants who received the additional music therapy had significantly better speed, precision, and smoothness of movements as compared to the control subjects. Participants who received music therapy also showed a significant improvement in every-day motor activities as compared to the control group. Wilson, Parsons, & Reutens looked at the effect of melodic intonation therapy (MIT) on speech production in a male singer with severe Broca's aphasia. In this study, thirty novel phrases were taught in three conditions: unrehearsed, rehearsed verbal production (repetition), or rehearsed verbal production with melody (MIT). Results showed that phrases taught in the MIT condition had superior production, and that compared to rehearsal, effects of MIT lasted longer.
Another study examined the incorporation of music with therapeutic upper extremity exercises on pain perception in stroke victims. Over the course of eight weeks, stroke victims participated in upper extremity exercises (of the hand, wrist, and shoulder joints) in conjunction with one of the three conditions: song, karaoke accompaniment, and no music. Patients participated in each condition once, according to a randomized order, and rated their perceived pain immediately after the session. Results showed that although there was no significant difference in pain rating across the conditions, video observations revealed more positive affect and verbal responses while performing upper extremity exercises with both music and karaoke accompaniment.Nayak et al. examined the combination of music therapy with traditional stroke rehabilitation and also found that the addition of music therapy improved mood and social interaction. Participants who had suffered traumatic brain injury or stroke were placed in one of two conditions: standard rehabilitation or standard rehabilitation along with music therapy. Participants received three treatments per week for up to ten treatments. Therapists found that participants who received music therapy in conjunction with traditional methods had improved social interaction and mood.
In the other way, research also suggests that listening to Mozart's piano sonata K448 can reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy. This has been called the "Mozart effect." However, in recent times, the validity of the "Mozart Effect" and the studies undergone to reach this theory have been doubted, due to reasons such as the limitations in the original study and the difficulty in proving the effect of Mozart's music in subsequent studies.
How far do you know about "reggae"??
Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady.
Reggae is based on a rhythmic style characterized by accents on the off-beat, known as the skank. Reggae is normally slower than both ska and rocksteady. Reggae usually accents the second and fourth beat in each bar, with the rhythm guitar also either emphasising the third beat or holding the chord on the second beat until the fourth is played. It is mainly this "third beat", its speed and the use of complex bass lines that differentiated reggae from rocksteady, although later styles incorporated these innovations separately.
Reggae is either played in 4/4 time or swing time, because the symmetrical rhythmic pattern does not lend itself to other time signatures such as 3/4 time. Harmonically, the music is often very simple, and sometimes a whole song will have no more than one or two chords. These simple repetitive chord structures add to reggae's sometimes hypnotic effects